18 to 25 years (College students)


Mysuru, Karnataka, India


01-Apr-2021 to 31-Dec-2023


Youth Led. Youth Designed. Youth Engaged.

Our Focus

Learning Active Citizenship




young people

Willingness to contribute to the participatory functioning of governance institutions

India is the largest democracy, with the largest youth population in the world today! Engaging India’s youth to learn to express themselves democratically, get involved in social change processes, and engage with governance institutions to achieve inclusive and equitable socio-economic development is crucial. This largest group of youth can become responsible for achieving good governance in the country. As motivated, active citizens who understand the vertical separation of powers and decision-making across local, provincial, and federal levels, they can contribute to the participatory functioning of governance institutions as per the Indian constitution.

Karnataka launched its first State Youth Policy in the year 2012, reflecting the aspirations and the needs of youth across the state. The policy was informed by a study on “Perceptions, Aspirations, Expectations and Attitudes of the Youth of Karnataka”, conducted by the Karnataka Knowledge Commission. The study pointed out the dichotomy between individual autonomy and being part of a group identity, which is a dilemma for most young people. The study indicated two critical facts regarding politics, economics and governance: 1) Youth of Karnataka were unhappy with the inability of governments to meet the expectations of common people, and 2) Youth from newly empowered social groups and disadvantaged sections were increasingly frustrated with the injustice that the system meted out to them.


To meet the expectations and aspirations of Karnataka’s youth, it is important to involve them in governance through an understanding of the policymaking, planning, and implementation processes across multiple levels and institutions (local, provincial, and federal). PRIA has launched Youth for Governance (Y4G) fellowship program to develop a cohort of youth in Karnataka who develop a willingness to contribute to the participatory functioning of governance institutions in their future life.

Fellowship Goal:

To promote understanding among youth in Karnataka on the values of federalism, principles and structures of decentralised governance in India, and confidence in Self to promote common good and contribute to participatory governance.

Fellowship Outcomes:

Training Modules:

Module 1

Understanding Self

Module 2

Understanding Identities


Module 3

Understanding Governance

Module 4

Understanding Participation and Citizenship

Module 5

Understanding Society

Module 6

Understanding Social Accountability

Research With the People


Program Partner: Grassroots Research and Advocacy Movement (GRAAM)

Program Funder: Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF India)


