A blog promoting 'participation as empowerment' with the perspective of making democracy work for all, every day - within families, communities, institutions, and political systems


At the height of second wave of coronavirus infections in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked his officials how volunteers from civil society might be utilised to lessen the pressure on the healthcare sector during a review meeting held on April 30, 2021.


“Yes, we need ration for my family today; thank you for your generosity,” said a domestic worker in south Delhi when our relief distribution team reached her basti (colony) last week.


At a recent OECD event on enabling civil society in the context of COVID-19, Jeffrey Schlagenhauf, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD, categorically stated that the pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on people’s lives and that “people are getting really hurt”.

Shambhavi Saxena

Knowledge In Music And Dance: Learning From A Local Music Festival

Shambhavi Saxena

Adolescent years can be a pain. The acne, the angst, the aches, and all those changes in your body. When I was a teen, having friends and the internet to turn to for answers made things bearable.

Rajesh Tandon

In a Global Call to Action dialogue for resilient recovery from pandemic last week, Jeffrey Schlagenhauf, Deputy Secretary-General of OECD made the above opening remarks.

Niharika Kaul

rees are the lungs of the planet, and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe. Deforestation continues unabated in many parts of the world. Among the worst affected is Uganda, where tree cover has fallen below the minimum requirement of 10%.

Shambhavi Saxena

Here we are again. Between the Devil and the deep blue sea. Coronavirus infections rose to over 3,00,000 in April as India went under lockdown for a second time in as many years. We’ve seen it before, but by the looks of it, we’re none the wiser.